“Prayer For Siblings” Num. 12:13

Prayer For Siblings

“And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech Thee.” Num. 12:13

Numbers 12:1, “And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian/Cushite woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian/Cushite woman.” Now was this Zipporah, the daughter of the Midianite priest from Exodus 2:21? Remember, he was forty years on the backside of the desert before the exodus from Egypt and twenty plus years now wandering with the children of Israel. So, he could have been married to Zipporah for 50-60 years and she could have died and he could have married an Ethiopian/Cushite woman or it could have been Zipporah, your guess is as good as mine. However, then did it take 50-60 years for his siblings to bring it up if it was Zipporah? God didn’t have a problem with the marriage just Miriam and Aaron and notice who is named first, Miriam! This is a major problem in Israel even today with the Ethiopian Jewish people making (aliyah).

The word ‘Ethiopian’ is made up of two words meaning “burnt face or black face” and Ethiopia is known in history as the land of the ‘Blacks.’ Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian describes them as, “The tallest and handsomest of men,” and they are frequently represented on Egyptian monuments, and their history is interwoven with Egypt’s.  So, it was only natural for Moses to take one for a wife coming out of Egypt, whether it is Zipporah or not. Although Reuel/Jethro a Midianite priest was from northern Saudi Arabia. In fact he or his decedents Hobab is with Moses in Num. 10:29 as they begin their journey from the Mt. of God. Another indication that they were not camped in the Sinai peninsula but in Northern Saudi Arabia at Mr. Jabal, check it out. So, you have a choice to make, but either way Miriam is upset and so is Aaron, in Num. 12:1.

We also learn here that Moses is more then a prophet to God, Num. 12:6-8. God speaks to His prophets in dreams and visions, but He spoke to Moses, “mouth to mouth in plain speeches.” So, Moses was more then a prophet, he was God’s special spokesman, a special agent, a faithful friend of God. Then God asks Miriam and Aaron the inevitable question, point blank, “Wherefore then, were you not afraid to speak against My Servant Moses?” Even though he is your kid brother, or the middle child, and has a speech impediment and is very “meek” v.3! (anav – humble, pious, gentle) “above all men on the face of the earth.” They also thought they should have a voice or opinion in the daily direction and affairs of the goings on in v.2. And the Lord heard it and in v.4, He spoke suddenly (pith-om – with intensive power and sudden terror, in a moment with determination, and surprise!) I take it He was not happy with Miriam and Aaron!

In fact, the Lord is very angry with Moses’ siblings in v.9, so much so that He strikes Miriam with “Leprosy” and Aaron confesses their sin to Moses and begs his forgiveness by asking for prayer (biy) for Miriam. Moses immediately cries out (tsa-ak) to cry out for help, this is to cry aloud in grief to the Lord (YeHoVaH) saying, Heal (ra-pha) to heal, to make healthful, this is a name Jehovah gave Himself in Ex. 15:26b, “For I am the Lord that heals thee.” (Jehovah-Rapha) Because healing is what I am! Here now, O God (El) God, O Mighty One, It is in the power of Your hand to do this! Now there is a short prayer for a woman with leprosy, only eight words, Heal her now, O God, I beseech Thee!”

Do you think we have to pray long to get a message to God? When He knows what we have need of before we even ask! Moody used to say, “These who pray long in the pulpit, pray short in the closet.” Did you ever do a study of the prayers in the Bible? They are all very short, how about Peter sinking in the water, or the thief on the cross, or the Syrophenecian woman begging for her daughter, “Heal her now, O God, I beseech Thee!” To ‘beseech’ is to ask earnestly, to entreat, to implore, to solicit. A good synonym for this word would be ‘to beg’! “Heal her now! O God, I beg you!” That sounds earnest! When was the last time you prayed for your brother or sister like that with strong (ischyros) mighty tears (dakry), Heb. 5:7, like Jesus did for you in the Garden, or Moses did for Miriam?

Miriam obviously was the ring leader in this rebellion for more power and authority. I think the Ethiopian woman was just an excuse to get at the real underlying issue, “Has the Lord only spoken by Moses?” She’s the only one that gets hit with leprosy and after her judgement you don’t hear about her again until she dies and is buried in an unknown site in Num. 20:1. Soon after this incident, what happens to her during the seven days outside the camp?  No one knows, her strength was broken, and her gift of prophecy was taken away! I don’t believe she lived long after this event, and she did not die of old age or leprosy but of a broken heart and a crushed spirit. She like Moses and Aaron never entered the ‘Promised land’ either. Like Miriam we need to learn that it was envy and pride that crucified the Lord Who personified humility and meekness! “But whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister/servant (diakonos), And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant/slave (doulos);” Matt. 20:26-27. “For even the Son of Man came, not to be ministered unto but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45. Are we any better, are we? Till we meet again, I’ll see you on my knees or, “…Between The Lines…”

Prayer For Siblings” 12/19/15

About The Scarlet Worm

My name is Roger and I love and served my country as a Marine and as a police officer in my younger years. I now have 13 beautiful grandchildren I love to see as often as possible and impact their lives as well as my four great kids and their spouses. In my spare time I serve as the Director of Olivet Ministries International with my wonderful wife of 42 years, loving God's chosen people to Himself. Then during the month as the stress builds up I turn a wrench on my old 51' Willys pickup, per the doctor's orders or maybe throw a worm in the water and wait for the fish to bite.
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